Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No money no honey...

This is a post that is long overdue. I started it a week or so ago and didn't finish. I'll just pick up where I left off, and I'll add some more funtimes blogging at the end.

My morning, nay, my entire quasi-month of living in Cambodia was made entirely better this morning when I saw a young dude walk by with a shirt on that said, in giant letters I might add, "NO MONEY NO HONEY." After spraying coffee all across the crowded breakfast stall, I grabbed for my camera only to realize in a gasp of horror that I had left it at home. This was not the first time I wanted to take a picture of something hysterical (usually involving Asian use of the English langauge) and didn't have my camera handy, but I assure you it will be the last.

Oh, wait, nope... I lied. It happened again. I was in the same breakfast stall three days later. ONLY THREE DAYS! And I was once again treated to Asian-English gold when another young guy (could it be the same one???) strolled by my breakfast stall - stall is really the only justifiable word for it, hence the continued use - with a shirt that said, in the same ginormous letters, "I COULD BE YOUR DAUGHTER."


Seriously? That's too good to be true... But I yet again disappointed myself - no camera. And, unfortunately, the google image search did NOT reveal any appropriate examples like it did for the other shirt.

The question I want to know is, "Where are they getting these shirts?" I want one! Funny thing though, this guy probably doesn't even know what it means. It's just cool 'cause it's in English. Well I'm certainly glad he wore it.

Another wonderful use of English waylayed me today at a Chinese restaurant. On the menu, they offered many delectable items such as roast duck, sauteed noodles, and real sesame chicken, oh and steamed dumplings, can't forget those. There was one item, however, that caught my attention. I think it deserves a return visit with a camera - "Stirfry with rape mixture."

Hmmmm I'm not sure if I want the rape mixuture stirfry or the steamed domestic abuse sampler....

Well, these things happen to the best of us. Ok, so they don't; they only happen to Asians, but you just gotta roll with it man! It's awesome, and I thoroughly enjoy laughing and smiling. I've been laughed at enough with my use of the language here. Yes, indeed I've done my time. It's my turn.

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